Well I was advised to start a Blog years ago for when I went travelling. I bucked the trend and sat with a basic email bulk mailing list, it worked well for me and as I use a 'Gmail' account, I loved the search function and storage it gave me. However limits on this ideal, and now the need to document my journey.
I'll warn the reader that my first few blogs will be back and forth in dates. This is as I need to catch up and provide some background to my current ways of thinking. Currently I'm sat in the Scanning room at UCLan's Media factory. I have a stack of Medium format images to scan, along with a portable hard drive with some already completed. I'm excited in some respects as I'll have a chance to use a Nikon Coolscan 9000
http://www.nikonusa.com/Find-Your-Nikon/ProductDetail.page?pid=9237. This should beat my Epson scanner of old.
Anyway I digress the reason I'm sat in ready to do this, is that I'm going to submit some images for the Hasselblad Master competition 2010
http://www.hasselblad.de/masters.aspx I will post my submissions later for all to see, but for now that's my work for the day.
So for now I'll be working away at that, but please check back as in the next few days. I'll be posting ideas for coming projects, the thoughts behind my methodologies, links to exhibitions, and other photographers work that inspire me. I look forward for your inputs, criticism, and things you think I might find interesting.
Until then thanks again for subscribing and joining me on this journey to gain my MA in Photography.